Convict Sites

It has long been recognised that the Southern Midlands has a wealth of convict heritage, spread throughout the municipal area.  No less than 15 of the 80 known convict Probation Station are located in the municipal area – that’s more than in any other single municipal region.  In addition, there are a number of other convict sites, ranging from watch-houses, police infrastructure, work sites etc.

No systematic attempt has been made to recognise, locate and document these sites, which have the potential to reveal a wealth of knowledge about the convict foundation of the region, and also may have the potential to provide linked interpretive experiences reaching throughout the region (and indeed inter-regional linkages, i.e. the Convict Trail).  Council Officers have held discussions with possible partner institutions to progress this project, and opportunities will be taken where possible to develop the concept, and a preliminary project to locate and research these sites will be commenced in July 2012.

 Lovely Banks Probation Station

1946 aerial photo of archaeological remains of Lovely Banks Probation Station
(Tasmanian Lands Department).

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