
Plumbing Approvals & Permits

It is important that before you consider doing any work to your house or any building on your property, that you check with Southern Midlands Council if a Building/Plumbing Permit is required.

You are required to submit the following documentation with Council when making an application for a Plumbing Permit:

A certificate for certifiable work (plumbing) if required under the Water and Sewerage Industry Act 2008.The documents (if required) referred to in Schedule 2 as below



The documents listed below are required to accompany an application for a Plumbing Permit:

  1. A plan of the land, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500, showing the following:
  • (a) the title boundaries, dimensions and directions of the land;
  • (b) the position and dimensions of any easement which affects or runs with the land;
  • (c) the name and level of any street or way onto which the land abuts;
  • (d) the position of any existing and proposed buildings on the land and the purpose for which the building is, or is intended to be, used;
  • (e) the location of the network utility operator’s sewer system, stormwater system and water main and the approximate position of the branch of those systems to which proposed services are to be connected;
  • (f) the size and approximate depth of the council's sewer system, stormwater system and water main;
  • (g) the position of the proposed plumbing work.For any sewerage, stormwater or trade waste installation on a single floor, complete drawings of the installation drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200, including dimensions, showing the following:

2.  For any sewerage, stormwater or trade waste installation on a single floor, complete drawings of the installation drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200, including dimensions, showing the following:

  • (a) the position of each building, in relation to the installation;
  • (b) for each existing and proposed drain –
    • (i) its location; and
    • (ii) its status, existing or new; and
    • (iii) its size; and
    • (iv) any drainage vents; and
    • (v) any fittings; and
    • (vi) the type of material of which it is, or is proposed to be, made;
  • (c) the approximate location of the proposed fixture, indicated by the abbreviation for that fixture specified in Part 4.

3.  For any sewerage, stormwater or trade waste installation on more than one floor, complete drawings of the installation drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200, including dimensions, showing –

  • (a) for each storey on which a proposed fixture is to be installed –
    • (i) the nature and position of each fixture, indicated by the abbreviation specified in Part 4; and
    • (ii) the size and arrangement of stacks and discharge pipes; and
  • (b) the intended use of each room in which a fixture is, or is to be, installed; and
  • (c) the floor layout, indicating the position and pipe sizes of fixtures, ducts and stacks; and
  • (d) for a building other than a Class 1 or 10, the plumbing system with stacks and discharge pipes indicated by a clearly labelled isometric plumbing layout.

4.  For any water service, complete drawings of the installation drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200, including dimensions, showing –

  • (a) the location and size of any regulating device, flow control fitting or service pipe 25mm diameter or larger; and
  • (b) details of any existing or proposed fire protection devices to be supplied with water from the proposed water service; and
  • (c) the location and size of any storage tank; and
  • (d) the purpose for which water is conveyed, measured, supplied or regulated by the proposed water service is required.

5.  For the connection of a new unregistrable relocatable building to the network utility operator’s sewerage or stormwater system or water main –

  • (a) a statement detailing the chassis number of the unregistrable relocatable building, together with the registration number of the registered plumber responsible for the installation of the plumbing work within that unregistrable relocatable building; or
  • (b) a signed declaration, in an approved form, by a registered plumber that the plumbing work contained in the unregistrable relocatable building has been tested, and complies with the regulations.

6.  For the re-connection of an unregistrable relocatable building to the network utility operator’s sewerage or stormwater systems or water main, a signed declaration, by a registered plumber that the plumbing work contained in the unregistrable relocatable building complies with the regulations.

7.  Construction details of the plumbing work, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:20.

8.  A written specification or schedule of the plumbing work containing any other information required to show that the plumbing work will comply with the regulations.

9.  If the land is not capable of being drained into a common sewer –

  • (a) an application for a special plumbing permit to install an on-site waste water management system, together with the documents specified in Part 3 of this Schedule; or
  • (b) a special plumbing permit to install an on-site waste water management system.


The documents listed below are required to accompany an application for a special plumbing permit for trade waste systems connected to an approved disposal system other than a sewerage system.
Documents containing details of the following: -

  • a.the processes leading to the types of trade waste streams to be generated;
  • b.the quality of trade waste;
  • c.the quantity and rate of trade waste discharge;
  • d.any treatment processes designed to make trade waste meet the requirements of the Permit Authority;
  • e.any equipment to be used for the treatment, and for monitoring the quality, quantity and rate of discharge, of the trade waste; and
  • f.any other information, document or certificate required by the Permit Authority.


The documents listed below are required to accompany an application for a special plumbing permit for the installation of an on-site waste water management system.

1.  Complete drawings of the installation, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200 or as agreed to by the Permit Authority, showing the following:

  • (a) the title boundaries of the land;
  • (b) the position of any existing or proposed buildings on the land and their use;
  • (c) the position of any roads or driveways on the land;
  • (d) the location of any water courses;
  • (e) the contours on the land;
  • (f) the position of the disposal system, absorption trenches or other disposal methods;
  • (g) the location and size of any drains and vents;
  • (h) the location of any cut-off drains diverting surface or ground water; and
  • (i) the location of the outlets from the building.

2.  Written details of the proposed fixture unit load on the system or parts of the system.

3.  A design report (including a site and soil evaluation in accordance with AS/NZS 1547: 2000 On-site domestic-wastewater management if applicable)

4.  A written specification or schedule detailing the construction of the absorption trenches or other disposal methods.

5.  A written specification of the disposal system to be used, including details of the following:

  • (a) the type of system;
  • (b) the trade name, if any;
  • (c) the manufacturer's name and address;
  • (d) the design capacity of the system.

6.  Any other document or certificate required by the relevant environmental health officer.

Amending a Plumbing Permit

You can amend a Plumbing Permit and Council charges a fee for the issue of an amended Building Permit.

An amendment may be considered for an addition, alteration, new building/structure.

However before you apply for an amendment you should check with the Planning Section if a Planning Permit is also required, or you need to amend your existing Plumbing Permit.

Completion of Plumbing Work

The Building Act 2000 specifies that Plumbing Work is to be completed within a certain period and that the owner or agent of the owner is to obtain a Certificate of Completion (Plumbing Work). The time specified for completion is 24 months or a period agreed between the applicant and the Plumbing Permit Authority.

Extending a Plumbing Permit

A Plumbing Permit can be extended by agreement with Council if necessary and the applicant will need to contact Councils Building and Plumbing Section to arrange for an extension. There is a fee for an extension of time.

Plumbing Permit Authority

The Plumbing Permit Authority is the body that deals with the permits associated with buildings and plumbing works. In the Southern Midlands these matters are dealt with by the Building and Plumbing Section of the Environment, Planning and Development Department.


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