Buying a Property

Buying a Property 337 Certificate

The purpose of a 337 Certificate is to make prospective owners of a property aware of what may be out standing on the property.

Some of these matters may be:

  • If a Completion Certificates has been issued for Building and Plumbing Permits,
  • Is there an Occupancy Permit issued for the building,
  • Are there any outstanding Orders on the site,
  • What is the zoning of the site, etc.

However applicant/purchaser should be aware that Council can only answer matters which they are aware off. Therefore, it is recommended if there are buildings on the site that prospective purchasers are encouraged to come into the Council and make a request to view what has been approved on site.

Before you can view plans of what has been approved on site it is required for you to seek written permission for the current property to view Council records. Once you obtain this written advice before you come into Council you should ring to find out if the records are available, because these records may be held in storage away from the Council.  By ringing it also gives time for our staff to research what records are available. This will ensure a speedier service for you.

Building Certificates

Should you become aware that what has been constructed on site differ than what Council has approved, it is strongly recommended that you apply for a Building Certificate. The Building Certificate deals with Building and Plumbing work. The Building Certificate application can be made by an agent acting for a purchaser, by a prospective purchaser or by the owner of the property. This process is the only process that enables Council to give you a written response and what you need to do if the Certificate is
The Building Certificate can be applied for:

  1. A single building;
  2. A part of a building; or
  3. All buildings on site.

If there are buildings on site which have not been approved, Council may issue the Building Certificate. Each case is treated on its own merit as per the legislative requirements.

337 Certificate Application and Building Certificate Application Forms
(PDF Document required application for a 337 certificate)
(PDF Document required application for a Building Certificate Form 57)

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